Curated ideas, information, inspiration for making intriguing, fresh choices to serve your interests

    • “Why is free time still so elusive?” 2-minute read: Discover more
    • Predict your own future air quality Discover more with this 3-minute read from High Country News (through a NYTimes initiative)
    • How to remove tiny plastic particles. New research shows boiling water is surprisingly effective at removing ubiquitous tiny plastic particles. 2-minute read in Washington Post. Discover more…
    • “The true cost of food is far higher than what you spend at the checkout counter” — Discover why in 2 minutes at:
    • Neuroscientist Charan Ranganath discusses the science of memory : NPR
    • Discover what’s normal about remembering and forgetting by exploring basic building blocks of memory – 3-minute read: Discover more…
    • Help yourself and young people addicted to social media to cut the
      craving. 2- minute read to get the process. Discover more…
    • One secret to sustaining valuable relationships is knowing how to fight well: 2-minute read/sequence: 25-minute listen/skim with amusing illustrations. Discover more…
    • Ruth’s handout: Action Planning for Work Search and Choices

Ruth’s 7th book, Happiness and Joy in Work: Preparing for Your Future is designed for each reader’s unique interests, needs and choices. The approach shows you how to benefit from the continuous opportunities within yourself, situations and preferred work, now and in the future.

Click below for the first chapter and website page for the rest of her books on how individuals can realize their true capacities and access their courage. Her PhD research defined it as “a process of becoming that involves the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, anxiety, fear or suffering and taking wholehearted responsible action.”

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