
Experience and approach: Ruth Schimel PhD provides vital, focused ways for individuals to realize their true capacities. As a career and life management consultant, she has worked with over 2000 individual clients and groups over decades. Based on interdisciplinary doctoral research and purposeful integration of the humanities and sciences, she makes hope and effective action accessible to most everyone. Ruth uses a proven inside-out process that starts with each person’s richness and possibilities as a prelude to diving into what’s “out there.”

In previous incarnations, Ruth has been a professor, management consultant, and diplomat. However disparate her background seems, her intrinsic focus continues to be assisting people to find their north stars, especially as the ground shifts. That also applies to her other current work.

Publications: Ruth converted her user-friendly dissertation on how people discover and express their capacity for courage into seven books including 5 how-to books.

Here is the research-based definition:   Courage is a process of becoming based on the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, fear, anxiety, or suffering and taking wholehearted, responsible action.”

Ruth’s seventh book is Happiness and Joy in Work: Preparing for Your Future, published in 2021. The only book designed to guide each reader in launching the future of their own work, it is based the inside-out strategy of her career and life management work.

To explore all seven books, go to   To sample the free first chapter and a short description of Happiness and Joy

Style: If you don’t mind my two cents, I think my sense of humor, lively conversation, and attentive listening skills will contribute to our quality of communication and mutual appreciation for interviews, podcasts, radio, and other platforms. I enjoy seeing and making spontaneous connections among every day as well as established themes and ideas.

Contact: I look forward to our exploratory conversation. Please contact me at or 202.659.1772.