Your time is precious, the subject of success is great, and you are unique. Address these important concerns through the short, interactive process in “Step Into the Success You Want: Sparking Your Powers.” You’ll enrich the quality of your professional and personal life as you take small, flexible steps to support success, as you define it. You’ll also see how to transcend internal emotional barriers that may block progress.
Find fresh inspiration and motivation from the quotes, humor, photos, and wide variety of resources also listed in this handbook. As you honor your interests and nature through an array of accessible actions, confidence and enjoyment will flourish.
“Step Into the Success You Want: Sparking Your Powers” provides these three galvanizing guides for action, in addition to the Introduction:
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.”