Curated ideas, information, inspiration to expand your explorations with intriguing choices to serve your interests
Train your brain into flow – 2 minutes – Discover more from Fast Company…
Home safety check – visuals + short text – 1 minute – Discover more from MedicineNet…
Generation categories and gaps are old hat – 16 minute podcast – Discover how to transcend them at Wharton UPenn…
The proven happiness hacks – 3-minute read – Discover more at Science News…
Smartphones in the classroom, four scholars weigh in – 3 minutes – Discover more from The Conversation…
What happens to the body in extreme heat – 4 minutes – Discover more from NPR…
What living in Barbie Land would do to your brain – 2 minutes – Discover more from Scientific American…
Ruth’s article on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Your Work Situation:
Creating Meaning and Purpose When Talents and Technology Are in Continuous Transition
Ruth’s 7th book, Happiness and Joy in Work: Preparing for Your Future is designed for each reader’s unique interests, needs and choices. The approach shows you how to benefit from the continuous opportunities within yourself, situations and preferred work, now and in the future.
Click below for the first chapter and website page for the rest of her books on how individuals can realize their true capacities and access their courage. Her PhD research defined it as “a process of becoming that involves the willingness to realize your true capacities by going through discomfort, anxiety, fear or suffering and taking wholehearted responsible action.”
To receive a free related guide for one focused issue, interest, or challenge, describe yours in a few sentences to Ruth at ruth@ruthschimel.com. Glad to receive your suggestions for the newsletter and myself as well.
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